
WEA is, “Taking the Lead to Get Real Results” for students by standing together for: Quality Educators, Accountability for Everyone and 21st Century Education.

Membership Enrollment

The Westminster Education Association (WEA) represents the licensed and Educational Support Professionals (ESP) staff working in Westminster Public Schools. We hope you find our page interesting and useful. WEA is affiliated with Colorado Education Association (CEA) and the National Education Association (NEA).

Download PDF

Download a PDF version of your membership form

Online Form

Fill out your form securely online
This is the easiest way to sign up!

Download Word

Download a Microsoft Word version of your membership form

Early Enrollment Membership Incentive Plan

The EE Incentive Plan is available April 1 – July 30 of each year

  • Early Enrollment Pledge Form – 2024 will be available in April 2024

  • Early Enrollment Information Sheet

  • Join Now To Receive Most NEA Member Benefits

  • Don’t Start Paying Until August

  • Both the WEA Membership Form and the Early Enrollment Pledge Form must be filled out:

    • If filling out the online membership form then print and fill out the Early Enrollment Pledge and either;

      • email the form back to WEA or

      • send to the WEA office by mail or

      • send to the WEA office by school mail.

    • If you are printing both forms, the Membership Form and the Early Enrollment form, then fill them out and either;

      • give it to your school WEA Association Rep or

      • email the forms back to WEA or

      • send to the WEA office by mail or

      • send to the WEA office by school mail.

NEA Member Benefits

Click Here to Discover Extra Benefits from the NEA

ESP Classification Review

NEA Job Evaluation System Factor Statements
